May 24, 2011

World Tarot Day

Wednesday, May 25th, or tomorrow, is WORLD TAROT DAY! You can find more info about it here. And there is an absolutely exquisite High Priestess card pictured there, from a new A.E. Waite deck soon to be published. Trust, it's worth a look.
There will be other good things tomorrow: free readings and a free class. I'm thinking I will tap into the free class. And here's a shout-out for my go-to set of Tarot cards: the Paulina Tarot. They are intricate, delicate, rich; they reveal unexpected details with study. Lately I've been pulling one Major Arcana card a day and giving it a good study. Today was The Devil. Happy & blessed World Tarot Day!


  1. Errr...don't know if the Waite deck is going to be published, but they are going to display it at a Tarot conference in the fall. I bet they publish it. The High Priestess card is a wonder.

  2. Hi

    We'll certainly publish the images in some format as soon as we've completed and presented the research in the Fall :-)

    Happy World Tarot Day!


  3. Thank you so much for stopping by to wish me well. I love the title of this blog. So very earthy and rich! It is a pleasure to meet you.
