Jun 23, 2011

From Dianne Sylvan

A Vegan Pagan's Prayer

Lord of the forest and field, Lady of the starlit night,
I acknowledge the truth that for me to live, something must die.
I give thanks for the gift of free will,
And I acknowledge the responsibility that comes with the freedom of choice.
I choose then to abstain from the cycle of unnecessary suffering.
I pledge to be an agent of healing, not a bystander to slaughter.
I say to the animals:
You do not have to suffer and die for me.
I say to the workers:
You do not have to kill for me.
I say to the corporate death machine:
You will no longer profit from my blindness.
I say to the Earth, and to all that is holy,
That though we are taught to feast upon war,
I choose to lay down the sword
And take in peace instead.
I ally myself with Nature, not as her master, but as her child.
I will not claim dominion over that which is wiser than I.
Lord of the forest and field, Lady of the starlit night,
May compassion fulfill and transform me
May I give as You give, may I love as You love
And may my choices bring grace to my life
As You bring grace to the world.
So mote it be.

As far as I can tell, this perfect prayer is by Dianne Sylvan. Check her out.
I promise not to do too much vegan preaching, even though I have the zeal of a new convert. The above prayer hits almost of the reasons that converged to make me a new vegan. Maybe I'll add a few lines about the devastating effects of raising so many animals on the environment.

And this is what vegan food looks like:


  1. Dianne Sylvan writes like an angel. I've been a fan of hers for quite a while. I hadn't read this prayer before. It is stunningly beautiful.
