Jan 10, 2012

Paulina Cassidy found my Youtube!

And she likes it! I did this little video to promote my gigs on Fiverr, but found that is was too long to upload. I get the occasional comment on it, but Paulina posted it on her Facebook. The ultimate approval!
Go look at it right now before her Wall gets cluttered up with less important things! http://www.facebook.com/paulinacassidyart

It's there, really! But it's also here, on my Youtube channel:

With fangirl excitement from The Wizardess


  1. How Awesome !!!!!!

    (she's got David Bowie on there too , underneath you)


  2. How Awesome !!!!!!

    (she's got David Bowie on there too , underneath you)


  3. Tis there, for reals. In between a request for Paulina wallpaper for a bedroom & a request for a signed Joie de Vivre deck! I'll put a direct link up, too. It was fun to make but I think I can do a better job at some point.
