Mar 18, 2010

Good Day, Sunshine

The Wizardess has gotten another award! You bloggy types are so nice! Especially Debra, at She Who Seeks.

Here are the rules for this one:

1. Place the award on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 Sunny Bloggers -- those whose positivity and creativity inspire others!
3. Link to the nominees in your post.
4. Tell the nominees they've received the award by commenting on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
For my dozen (-2), I choose:
Jaz at Octoberfarm: Everything she does is inspiring, AND she's sending me a box of goodies WOOT!
Birgit at Swapping Howdies: She inspires me to get really good at taking pics, and I might even learn to do fancy computer stuffs just like she does
The whole eWitch coven: I love to hear all the different voices & y'all can decide who does the sunshine
Willow at Wandering in the Woods: I like hearing about Ostara and seeing her kittehs
Lea Elisabeth at Arcanium: I am just learning Tarot, and it's great to listen in on another's spreads & insights
Cora at Postulations of an Iconoclast: She always makes me think, and her blog is just plain gorgeous
Jules at MoonCat Farms meanderings: She makes me want more animals, but I really, really have enough.
Celestite at A Pagan Tapestry: She writes really nice informative posts
Renee of the Fae at The Witch I Want to Be: I like imagining her little witchy cottage, with her inside there, typing away, sending out witchy feminist political energy that will change the world!
And finally, Kat at Antics of a Tameran Witch: She's just going nuts! She posts all the time! And then I think I should do that! And use a bunch of exclamation points!


  1. Thanks so much for the award! It means a lot.

  2. You know if all of us at Ewitch do this.. you will have 14... smart way to get your numbers.... :-) Thanks for thinking of us..

  3. Oh, thanks so much for that new award -- you rock! :) I will be sure to send you a note once I post my now two awards on my blog. I haven't forgotten about the photo tag either. :)


  4. Oh! You're a doll! Thanks loads! Blessed Ostara to you, as well, my wonderfully witchy friend! I'll be thinking of all of you tomorrow night when I'm sweating with my local witches. *~_^*

  5. Awww...thank you for the nod to eWitch! :)

  6. Hi there,

    I finally blogged about the award! Thanks again!

    -- Birgit
